If you are searching for a Lexington lawyer or law firm, you have come to the right place. The Lexington lawyer directory will provide you with an attorney database that is up-to-date and simple to use. From the attorney listings you can begin your research on lawyers in Lexington (or other areas) in practice areas such as Personal Injury, Family Law, Bankruptcy, Business Law, Criminal Law and Immigration Law (to name a few), by clicking on the Web site links provided. Then, all you have to do is simply email, call or fill out the contact form on the attorney's Web site to get help fast.

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While searching you will see the Lead Counsel Designation next to certain attorney listings. Lead Counsel Members:

  1. Have passed LawInfo.com, Inc.'s qualification process
  2. Have had at least two favorable peer references
  3. Are in good standing with their respective bar associations

In short, Lead Counsel Members have been researched by LawInfo.com, Inc. to make it easier for you to find the right attorney.

Click Here to Get More Information about the Lead Counsel Program

You can view our Attorney Directory which covers various categories from our Lexington Attorney Directory